Catalog of Fischer’s Games by Opening
(Tournament and Match games only)
- Alekhine’s 0295, 0401, 0437, 0593, 0639, 0641, 0645, 0682, 0688
- Benoni 0378, 0480, 0489, 0495, 0541, 0549, 0635, 0643, 0647, 0672, 1009, 1019
- Bird’s 0056, 0527
- Caro Kann
- Two Knights 0065, 0085, 0142, 0186, 0197, 0202, 0203, 0211, 0217, 0219, 0221, 0226, 0328, 0335, 0526, 0552
- 4…Nf6 0337
- 4…Bf5 0250, 0393, 0429
- 4…Nd7 0330
- Exchange 0564, 0575, 0582
- Panov Attack 0253, 0286, 0559
- Other 0550, 0577
- Catalan 0118, 0571, 1008
- Center Counter 0230, 0391, 0515, 0628
- English 0041, 0077, 0135, 0150, 0251, 0256, 0413, 0428, 0434, 0452, 0465, 0498, 0505, 0507, 0528, 0545, 0565, 0569, 0574, 0576, 0600, 0606, 0611, 0627, 0631, 0633, 0648, 0664, 0677, 1008
- Four Knights 0004
- French
- Winawer 0112, 0171, 0257, 0284, 0291, 0298, 0353, 0383, 0399, 0414, 0504, 0584, 0586, 0599, 0616, 0655
- Burn/Rubinstein 0289, 0347, 0361, 0385, 0445, 0497, 0542, 0663
- MacCutcheon 0366, 0464
- Tarrasch 0462
- Other 0374, 0540, 0558, 0669
- Giuoco Piano 0424
- Grunfeld
- 4.cd5 0419, 0442, 0473, 0621
- 4.Bg5 0608, 0653
- 4.Bf4 0662
- Other 0035, 0270, 0390, 0397, 0402, 0404, 0406, 0418, 0426, 0521, 0578, 0637
- King’s Indian
- Averbakh 0129, 0472
- Four pawns attack 0028, 0278, 0290, 0388
- Panno 0117, 0119, 0297, 0344, 1001, 1005, 1021, 1023
- Samisch 0002, 0050, 0058, 0104, 0113, 0123, 0125, 0127, 0139, 0168, 0170, 0172, 0176, 0178, 0323, 0329, 0334, 0359, 0448, 0450, 0585, 0619, 0942
- Other 0003, 0013, 0020, 0021, 0029, 0031, 0033, 0037, 0044, 0048, 0051, 0055, 0064, 0066, 0068, 0071, 0084, 0087, 0089, 0102, 0106, 0141, 0146, 0148, 0154, 0156, 0158, 0162, 0166, 0183, 0189, 0193, 0198, 0201, 0210, 0214, 0215, 0235, 0238, 0264, 0268, 0285, 0294, 0301, 0302, 0310, 0312, 0313, 0315, 0319, 0325, 0332, 0340, 0350, 0354, 0365, 0408, 0411, 0415, 0446, 0454, 0459, 0465, 0466, 0478, 0483, 0484, 0485, 0491, 0501, 0509, 0512, 0516, 0519, 0536, 0539, 0553, 0618, 0623, 0649, 0651, 0658
- King’s Indian Attack / King’s Indian Reversed 0006, 0010, 0012, 0014, 0018, 0019, 0022, 0032, 0047, 0060, 0082, 0088, 0090, 0093, 0101, 0103, 0107, 0108, 0115, 0120, 0392, 0411, 0477, 0485, 0531, 0540, 0558, 0582, 0603, 0617, 0624, 0626
- King’s Gambit 0236, 0425, 0561, 0566
- Latvian Gambit 0005
- Nimzowitsch 0155
- Nimzo-Indian
- 4.Nf3 0272, 0363, 0670, 0674
- 4…b6 0455, 0457, 0461, 0463, 0476, 0560, 0610, 0625
- 4…O-O 0258, 0273, 0283, 0299
- 4…d5 0204, 0304, 0387, 0499, 1003
- Other 0053, 0174
- Nimzowitsch-Larsen 0091, 0596, 0629, 0646, 0666
- Petroff 0224, 0343, 0598, 0665
- Philidor 0052
- Pirc
- 4.f4 0326, 0358, 0420, 0433, 0453, 0556, 0562, 0590, 0686
- Others 0072, 0116, 0228, 0456
- Queen’s Gambit
- Accepted 0997, 0999, 01007, 1011
- Tartakower 0218, 0373, 0352, 0377, 0675
- Exchange 0331, 0346, 0380, 0381
- Tarrasch/Semi-Tarrasch 0225, 0234, 0306, 0321, 0417, 0583, 0668, 0678
- Ragozin 0133, 0227, 0254, 0308, 0327
- Other 0242, 0573, 0602, 0681, 0683
- Queen’s Indian 0604
- Queen’s pawn 0026, 0246, 0248, 0368, 0468, 0493, 0615
- Reti 0083, 0636
- Ruy Lopez
- Breyer
- 9…Nb8 0458, 0467, 0513, 0538, 0570, 0679, 0994, 0996, 0998, 1022
- 9…Nd7 0128, 0134, 0136, 0145, 0156, 0169, 0177, 0194, 0293, 0451, 0475, 0568
- Kholmov
- 9…Be6 0282, 0441
- Smyslov
- 9…h6 0496, 0546, 0572, 0588, 0638
- Marshall 0231, 0296, 0438, 0440, 0449, 0469, 0482
- Open 0016, 0054, 0324, 0471, 0479, 0490, 0508, 0554
- Berlin 0124, 0409, 0410
- Classical 0038, 0262, 0266, 0275, 0288, 0371
- Exchange 0421, 0492, 0494, 0500, 0517, 0609, 0622, 0685, 1002, 1020
- Delayed Exchange 0043, 0247
- Steinitz 0318
- Steinitz Deferbrown 025, 0157, 0173, 0207, 0213, 0269, 0370, 0386
- Taimanov 0074, 0430, 0488
- Panov Counterattack 0121, 0126, 0153, 0192, 0245, 0279, 0431, 0544, 0605
- Other 0030, 0039, 0049, 0063, 0070, 0078, 0086, 0138, 0140, 0159, 0161, 0163, 0175, 0188, 0239, 0267, 0320, 0349, 0356, 0360, 0375, 0436, 0444, 0601, 0601, 0640, 1000
- Breyer
- Sicilian
- Accelerated Fianchetto 0132, 0149, 0182, 0300, 0303, 0305, 0307, 0309, 0311, 0316, 0412, 0447, 0510
- Closed 0011, 0023, 0152, 0367, 0395, 0432, 0555, 0587, 0591, 0592, 0612, 0630, 1010, 1012, 1013, 1015, 1016, 1017, 1018
- Dragon 0001, 0024, 0034, 0076, 0105, 0130, 0249, 0274, 0322, 0382, 0412, 0416, 0506, 0614
- Kan/Paulsen 0110, 0165, 0396, 0474, 0533, 0535, 0580, 0620, 0667, 0690
- Maroczy Bind 0300, 0309, 0595, 0656, 0664, 0597
- Najdorf
- 6.Bg5 0015, 0040, 0094, 0109, 0111, 0122, 0131, 0143, 0180, 0181, 0191, 0196, 0206, 0220, 0223, 0229, 0232, 0260, 0276, 0317, 0336, 0439, 0514, 0520, 0525, 0543, 0551, 0557, 0567, 0579, 0581, 0676, 0680, 0684
- 6.Be2 0007, 0008, 0017, 0042, 0073, 0075, 0079, 0164, 0271, 0280, 0341, 0342, 0348, 0355, 0357, 0369, 0394, 0435, 0470
- 6.Bc4 0080, 0095, 0097, 0099, 0114, 0151, 0200, 0208, 0212, 0222, 0237, 0243, 0261, 0443, 0460, 0486, 0487, 0547
- 6.f4 0027, 0059, 0061, 0137, 0195, 0281, 0389, 0532, 0534
- 6.g3 0081, 0096, 0100, 0398, 0518, 0563
- 6.h3 0144, 0351, 0403, 0523
- 6.Be3 0503, 0613
- Nimzowitsch 0339, 0407
- O’Kelly 0263
- Richter Rauser 0687, 0689
- Scheveningen 0287, 0510, 0529
- Smith-Morra 0046, 0338, 0263
- Sozin 0057, 0080, 0092, 0147, 0151, 0179, 0184, 0190, 0199, 0205, 0216, 0237, 0249, 0345, 0362, 0372, 0376, 0502, 0522, 0524, 0537, 0548, 0594, 0634, 0642, 0657, 0659, 0673
- Taimanov 0252, 0255, 0259, 0265, 0314, 0379, 0481, 0644, 0650, 0652, 0654, 0661, 01014
- Other 0008, 0009, 0036, 0045, 0057, 0067, 0069, 0098, 0160, 0167, 0185, 0187, 0209, 0233, 0240, 0241, 0244, 0252, 0277, 0292, 0333, 0364, 0379, 0384, 0400, 0405, 0511, 0530, 0589, 0632, 0660, 1004, 1006
- Sokolski 0062
- Two Knights 0422, 0423
Games refered in this page will be added soon — they are not indexed in the PGN file found on the main page or are not included period. They will be in a separate PGN file, hopefully more complete than the existing database! (-:

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