Some Fischer facts
- Born: March 9, 1943 in Chicago, Illinois
- Died: January 17, 2008 in Reykjavik, Iceland
- Learned the rules of chess at age 6!: 1949
- First recorded tournament game: July 1955
- International Grandmaster title: 1958
- U.S. Champion eight times in eight attempts!: 1957, 1958, 1959, 1960, 1962, 1963, 1965, 1966
- Winner of: every tournament and match in which he participated from December, 1962 through World Championship match 1972 with the exceptions of Capablanca Memorial, 1965, (2nd place – ½ point behind Smyslov), and Piatigorsky Cup, 1966, (2nd place – ½ point behind Spassky).
- Bobby Fischer’s tournament and match results: 415 wins, 248 draws and 85 losses out of 748 games played from 1955 through 1992 for a performance average of .721 or 72.1%
- Fischer’s highest achieved rating: 2785 ELO.

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